
Acting My Age at Hoodie Allen

I went to a Hoodie Allen concert on Leap Day. (Fitting, given that one of his earliest album's is titled Leap Year.) Despite all of the somewhat derisive opinions I'm about to express, I have to point out that going to this concert was 100% my idea and I was no way coerced into attending. Because I am a Hoodie Allen fan. The issue is that I apparently in the upper range of his fan demographic.

Setting Expectations for My Wedding

My wedding is still a year and a half away, and no, other than the date and the location, we have planned nothing (that's the whole point of being engaged for two-plus years). Still, I want to set some expectations about the celebration of my marriage right the hell now.

AKA Finally, a Female Anti-Hero

I really love shows that revolve around tiny women beating up monsters. It's kind of my genre. So it's fitting that my binge watch this past week was Marvel's Jessica Jones on Netflix. (Be warned all ye who click below: Spoilers.

Female Friendships Are Everything

Some of my Very Deeply Held Beliefs:1. People who drive loud trucks are douchey.2. Wearing Birkenstocks with socks is embarrassing but acceptably so. 3. “Africa” by Toto is the ultimate karaoke song.4. The most important aspect of feminism is female friendship.

The Nerd (Re-)Awakens

Like most of the entire planet, I saw the new Star Wars film this weekend. Here's my review, by which I really mean rambling thoughts. Warning: Herein there be super duper huge major spoilers and a whole lotta feels.

Things I Wish I Was

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about myself. Actually, I’m always thinking a lot about myself (lots of introspection to be found here!), but the focus lately has been my strengths and weaknesses.